Free Quote Please provide us with the details below, and we’ll contact you within two business days to get your specifics, and provide you with a FREE QUOTE soon thereafter. Full Name Address City ZIP Code Phone Your Email Type of service requested New serviceSwitch propane providerSwitch to using propaneOther Do you currently have existing propane service at your residence? YesNo [group has-existing-propane] Do you own or lease your tank? -- Choose one --OwnLease How many gallons do you go through annually? Is propane the main heat source? -- Choose one --YesNo Will you be using supplemental heat sources such as wood or pellets? -- Choose one --YesNo [/group] [group does-not-have-existing-propane] Is this new construction or are you converting to propane from another fuel source (e.g., fuel oil)? -- Choose one --New constructionConverting to propane What is the approximate square footage of your residence? Will propane be the main heat source? -- Choose one --YesNo Will you be using supplemental heat sources such as wood or pellets? -- Choose one --YesNo [/group]